Programmet omfatter ulike orienteringer fra Helsedeparetmentet til lokale gatenære tiltak, samarbeidstiltak politi/sosial og tiltak på veien fra åpne narkotikascener (Needle Park) til dagens rustiltakspolitikk-
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Meeting with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health |
Meeting with SSAM /Swiss Society of Addiction Medicin |
Meeting with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, International Relations and Interntaional Alcohol Policy |
Meeting with the Ambassador |
Welcome and introduction to the political strategy on drugs and the collaboration between police and social workers |
ARUD, private organisation , carries out substitute treatment with all permitted substitute drugs (heroin, methadone etc.) |
K&A Selnau, local drop-in centre with consumption room for illegal drugs |
Treffpunkt city, drop-in centre for marginalized individuals, without consumption room |
Emergency care centre Kanonengasse, local low-threshold medical practice for marginalized individuals |
Centre for drug abuse related diseases, Psychiatric University Clinic |
Polyclinic Crossline/Lifeline, local substitute programme |
sip züri, combination of security attendence and outreaching social work |